Friday, September 4, 2009

No no after you...please I insist

This is our house. Wouldn't that be wonderful if it were true! Actually this is where we are living. Houses in Kitsilano tend to be big. Grand in fact. We live in a small apartment in the front section of the house. Four apartments make up the whole house and there is another stand alone apartment at the end of the drive. We share a beautiful garden. It's all very convivial.

Canadians are friendly folk. A couple from Toronto just moved in across the road from us. The first time they saw us they introduced themselves, we chatted on the street, and when we went our separate ways it felt good. We felt like we were part of the neighbourhood. That's one of the nice things about staying in a place for more than a few days, you start to blend in, I could even go so far as to say belong... but maybe I'm just wishful!

This is our street. Lovely and green isn't it. It's also a source of possible acquisitions as it is commonplace to see little piles of stuff (books, cutlery, furniture, clothing) left on the curbside outside peoples houses. And it's not junk (well, not necessarily!). We've picked up an excellent drink bottle and Ben has acquired two extra pairs of shorts, rather marvellous with all the training he is doing.

People stop their car to let you cross the street. No zebra crossings needed. It's terribly polite. Occasionally this has caused us to feel very confused, standing on the street at an intersection...four cars stopped...waiting...waiting... and THEN we realise all the drivers are looking at us to go first!

This is the glorious garden.

And that is all for today,

Mrs R

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